
Why we are different

Tecnometrix: the integrated solution.

At Tecnometrix, we believe that solutions that deliver comeptitive advantage can only be achieved by looking to the global picture. To reach this objective, it is essential to build up the solution considering know-how from very different domains. Based on more than 10 years of experience of its founder, Tecnometrix is now unique in the market, being able to combine information from different domains:

Application domain: we understand your business.

Picture1At Tecnometrix, we consider essential to know “were the data comes from”. Only in this way we can design the appropriate tool to interpret all possible situations your business can encounter. Our know-how allows us to conduct projects in very different areas, like Forensics, Food, Oil and Gas, chemicals, pharma and bio-medical sciences.

Instrumentation domain: we know how the data is produced.

Picture3Knowing where the data comes from is not enough. It is essential also to know how the data was generated. Nowadays, the analytical lab constitutes a key step in the data workflow. For this reason, at Tecnometrix we are leaders in analytical chemistry. In this way we can leverage your analytical resources towards high quality information.

Statistics domain: using the right tool

Picture4When delivering customised solutions, chosing the right mathematical tool is key. In most of cases, the data-analysis method even does not exist, and should be constructed to meet specific business needs. From Bayesian statistics to multivariate analysis, at Tecnometrix, we have accummulated years of experience in designing and testing algorithms tailored to meet your business demands.

Software domain: solutions are a simple click away

Picture2Designing smart algorithms is not enough. When these algorithms are implemented at routine level, a software platform is constructed in such a way that you can get full benefit without being an expert. At Tecnometrix we have experience in constructing software specially designed to obtain the solutions in a simple way, so there is no need to be an statistician to benefit from Tecnometrix’s technology.